
Sunday, October 18, 2009

found and lost

last night as I came from work, there was small cat crying by the door, she was really small and pathetic she was sitting near the same place where there was another small cat I have been feeding in the past few months,

I ignored her and kept moving toward the door, I got in and I found small bird that perhaps lost its way and got inside the building, I tried to capture and I succeed at the end.
I took it to the roof and I let it go the bird shit on me couple times.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life moves on.

I wasn't feeling right last week, the situation had me thinking about many things about my life.

In particular this issue was raised, and that was how much ones think he knows and how much he thinks he don't know…very broad statement however is it possible that one looks upon things through a lens can previous experience really matter at the end or not ?

What really counts as an experience at the end?

I think of my mistakes and things that I had planned in the past, and those ones that could or might have happened if we were to be together.

I can recall my few years after she left me, with some kind of amazement indeed.. if it was not for school and work and the struggle involved in between, I am not sure what I would have done then, living alone like I did.

Also think from her side which is normal, she did not see the situation the same way I saw it, I was struggling with my visa and with my stay papers, and I had flipped through schools and majors at schools plus on more personal level I was a afraid to fly in America ever since 2003 to be exact I think the shit put on television got to me at last thought that was not the case before.
There with security guards stopping any brown person Latino or otherwise
I think I mentioned to her on many times and I think either she did not understand or she really did not care or maybe I don’t know.

Could it be possible that I over estimated the whole thing ?
Could it be possible I cant call this all as in amateur move at all which brings me to my point...its not.

This was a normal love story and broader patrol and inspection officers were the ones playing the inbetweens.
Plus it show how much those two cultures developed and undeveloped some how cant mix with out a power struggle of some sort,.

On the personal level I think I hated the fact that she did not tell me all this at the end or in the process of being together, I think that is what angered me, this loose way of doing things did not work and I think that was perhaps hurts me the most, the lack of communications and loosing at the common solution.

I had tried on many occasions to assimilate to that culture I think I did well except I did not do well in the language part, out of laziness but more I drew from those who were in similar situations around and they also did not bother to know more about that language or culture because at the end it wasn't what got them in the relationship in the first place.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Highly likely bullshit

I have been wondering for sometime
as to what point one tries to make something work and think at the end it will when it doesn't
I think as one gets to be back home he/she is very much inclined to listen and pay attention to the environment around him or her.
I think that’s what people call ‘realistic’ this means you can think all you want about something but if the people around find that thing highly unlikely then it’s not real and it’s not even in consideration.
One good example that I am dealing with or dealt with,
Breaking up in a relationship is hard, on both sides what about when that relationship is also a long distance relationship such as those made on the net, or those who the people actually had met and then had to take different paths , there are always extremes I noticed when one tries to fix such relationship its always about keep in contact and be in touch, what these advices fail to tell is the persons involved are in affect into fixing or are they really into going their own way.
I think woman are more of wanting to go their own way more so than men.
I mean it did not take long for her to listen to the people around her, it's amazing how the few and around can change someone who they feel is not conforming to the ideals of the surroundings,
I noticed now it seems relevant to pick on things such as age and looks, and look back at things that seemed normal, how is that so ?
I think I have seen such attitudes in South east Asians or at least the people I had worked with, they seemed to diss those who they had worked with or left them for good during a dispute or something similar. Is that normal ? if so when did it start

Future that changes realtions ?

is it really the Future that changes relations ?

funny she thinks that i am still stuck in the past, and worse in the past memories, how can one person be so stupids ?
it is not the past memories that i am stuck in it is the future that i was upset about,
this will be a limited life span get married and make some babies and live normal life when normal did not show up on their grounds since WWII

these are people who Americans, Koreans and Chinese wants them to be just like that Artificial people, notice how much they do to show the world they are as the rest but they are still stuck in that 80's mentalist i dont think they will ever recover from it and they by showing new comers attitude they are not helping as well

The Saudi Gajin

she cant seem to be able to explain to him that they are not for each others
he thought that it was all possible,
for him things dont makes sense as how fast things can do change
it is amazing how the pressure for settling down for woman sometimes seem hard
This is a lady from Japan, she lives in a small island in the north of Japan, she was involved with a guy from Saudi, and they kept some aspect of their relationship a live, by phone calls and emails and so forth
she had to leave the States and head back to her country and try to fit into her own society after she had spent most of her years in the US, this is all prior to 9/11 which is important to the way things had been between them.
he saw that as an opportunity to excel on himself after all Saudi is a developing country and most Saudis at least he had met sought in getting married or aquatinted with people from the 'First World' as something good to have around.
However with this Japanese girl she seemed to know what she wanted, in fact from his talk he always noticed how they seem well organized Japanese students who came to the states seemed to him that US seemed to them as the culture that over stepped theirs conquered them in their homeland in Japan and it something they had to keep a close eye at.
admittedly she knew what she wanted there were signs of extreme self love and self loath in the same time
and most of the time acts as an underachiever a person a student who fails to achieve her potential or does not do as well as expected, even though she had real good comprehension of what she was doing or not doing, he always wondered why.
What amazed him was there were no apparent potential of her that she could identifies and always strive to get to the utmost pinnacle but always there was this Japanese self doubt in her that he saw in most of them.
I think that is the Japanese society that most Japanese like to talk about, as something genuinely Japanese, it is not for the simple reason that it did not show up in the past of their recorded history, and showed up in the 18-19th century i.e after science and democracy was introduced to them from the outside,
I think a Japanese person looks at big companies there and thinks that he she is small to these companies so he is even smaller to the world experience as whole, this not humble i think this is a sign of unfreeze thinking society and very limited in life experience , notice Life experience not nature experience.

this girl is the best example in this case, she feels that Japanese pressure, Japanese people are aware of their country's economic export superiority
very easy manipulated people, and very poor in human interaction and sometimes racist as well,
this is what he thought he was going to change but he couldn't she was going to go back to her home and live that Japanese life,

Thursday, October 01, 2009

there is this guy who went to Japan
he visited and talked and compared to the land
"let me say that again"
what's really great about Japan anyway?
what is great about the US anyway?
it is money that sway away thoughts and things
The saint louis summer times

Was the best times ? was it the good times
In either case it was sometimes and it passed.
I want to settle down she said I cant forget you but I want to she told
I walk around and I look at things you know, I want move on but I am weak to say it.
I want you to know that I loved long ago.
I want you hear me when I am alone you know
I moved and its only you who is attached to this you see.
I want to leave the saint Louis summer alone with its goodness.
We are but different people you and I you cant get it why I cant say.
I live a different life I do, I want to
We are not the same saint Louis is not the same
Since 2004 I couldn’t see why we are together
By 05 06 07 08 09 ! why cant you just let me go
I want attention not this kind though
We were something we are not anymore
Let me go and let saint Louis times go along
Time to move one and you should too