
Tuesday, May 16, 2000

ESL weed group (1)

Sometimes this summer, this was my hopeful last term at the ESL. My family from Saudi decided to visit, what better my grandmother was coming along too.

My grandmother last time in US was sometime in the 80’s, it was at the time when my grand father was diagnosed with cancer and he had to got to the US for additional treatments.

I wanted to take my grandmother everywhere in this limited city; St. Louis has many to offer.

I was at a class in the morning there was I guy from Japan. I think his name was KO he was a funny guy, looked very optimistic, I think when I saw him he made me think is weed is really hitting Japan, the reason been is that KO had a sign on him some tag of some sort with weed leaf sign.

I was seeing an increase in the number Japanese people on campus. From what learned weed smoking is something never heard of in Japan.

This was interesting to me, and as I learned later not just me but those who are with in class, one day KO was kind enough to share with everyone that in Japan in Tokyo in particular
There are a huge number of homeless people.
I recall when KO mentioned that we had a teacher from Honduras was shocked at the fact.

There is something to be said there, Japan is not really an enigma at all this was a country in my view that basically filters out the information that it needs the world to know about it.