Tuesday, December 30, 2008
it wont going to happen
I was surprised because I learned now that Gaza is like a non declared taboo the suffering in Palestine, and death on the screen Jazeera showing mutilated bodies are on videos, those people I talked with did not give the response that used to be given some years ago.
Gaza became something of a taboo it is on the terrorist list now you talk about and there would be people watching over you in fear that you might be Daboos
Sunday, December 21, 2008
December 21, 2008
as it is since coming back I got to learn more or more less about society here or rather some more stuff is raveled while staying here, I say reveled because of my father, and reveled since it had to do with the society as whole I cant generalize about the whole society of the country since Jeddah is the only place I have lived in, but I had heard things are not really that different in other places around.
I had a meeting gathering in at JCCI it was in the sunrise time, I had suggested to my uncle to come with me, a move seen by others as mad move,
I went around nine in the morning I waited for uncle to come out, I think the wait was for 15 min a black guy from a security company was sitting with real armed security guards, the guy approached the window of the small corolla.
He came over and knocked on the driver side window, I opened the window and he asked what business I have here “you are waiting here –he said that or something to that effect”
I told him I am not moving this car and its better for him to just go, and shouted near the guards saying that I wont move,
The guards being lazy nad his nothing to do wanted to get to the subject,
Now here is the situation, normally these things when occur, its almost always will be a fight fist fights even, some of these fight in here are brutal in Jeddah I can say in the US too American are in fact violent people no matter how they paint it.
In my case nothing happened except some trash talk from the both sides, Now the new twist was that these guards were bullshitting in bedu accent, they are from south part of the land, and they looked dehydrated as well, but they felt that this abuse by me to this poor black man was made in purpose, I didn’t care, and I still don’t.
I remember things like this in the past in here, Jeddah from all cities seems to suffer more than anywhere else in this country, and the people who are on both sides of this conflict seem not care, and those who are in the middle seem to suffer the most, because they are neither rich nor poor and they cant claim to either side no one wants them and they always take the fall in these type of things.
Just like the US just like any other places, it is not nationalism any more it something deeper
How bedu murders happen
I had a meeting a gathering at the JCCI in the morning,
I had suggested to my uncle to come with, a move seen by my father as a bad move,
I went around ten in the morning I waited for uncle to come out, I think something like 15 minutes had passed when a around a dark guy perhaps middle 20’s approached my father’s car, he was part of a security company that was sitting or camping outside a small pity villa, with other guys from the Saudi national guards.
from my understanding these guys in uniform are “soldiers” I say that because they were wearing the brown sand checkered uniform seen by many here,
the guy who approached the window of the car was a small and he came to about the same size of the Corolla that my father owns, he gestured to talk, and knocked on the window so I opened it.
From the moment he approached I figured something was going to happen either an argument, a fight it the norm in here I really say that and I believe in it, and now its to about pointing out negatives in here it’s just as I said the norm,.
he came over and knocked on the driver side window, I opened the window he asked me saying… “the guys over there the soldiers are asking if you have something around here… because you are stopping and waiting here –
I told him this is my uncle’s home and I am waiting for him to come over why ?,
he didn’t answer instead he did something predictable, I noticed allot blacks working with anything bedu, he did the shouting bullshit game thing, and it went something like “soldiers this guy won’t move” as he finished it was my uncle’s exit from his house, so now that security kid went behind the solider boys and started throwing insults, uncle as with the most of the radical went on and insulted and as it goes with Bedouin hired in these places there is a feeling of that they insult behind the suite they are wearing as to, if he wasn’t wearing it he wouldn’t normally insult you, so some insulting went on I ignored them and when my uncle asked to stop the car I did and I had to open the door and follow, it had to do nothing with fighting I in fact had no intentions in fighting them which is as usual understood wrongly here pussy!
At any rate nothing happened so we go back and or rather I had to take him back to his home and long and behold as usually history picks up with me, the Bedouin in suites had took off their suites and brought in some of their fastest guys and were ready to fight, so I figured there has to be fight or it looked like atypical Bedouin fight the changed so they can fight. Nothing happened again I had to intuition to fight and even if it happened I was intending of saying what was on my mind and then I guess fight,
But there is problem, these boys are in effect hiding behind the suite plus, if the thing went on it is really unclear to what will happen, it is assumed that they will have and upper hand in this even if I had beat them they are in a union type so I guess they will all stick together plus they are bedu and bedu are nasty in almost all situations, so they were trying to fright us no more and so I ignored I had to no time for either thing, so I ignored
I had to take the car to my father and know how he won’t take my side in almost anything I was quite and he asked, sometimes my father’s fear makes to me, and I feel I honestly do that I do not have anything in this place so in I don’t have a back as well, bunch of hadrmiy people never got together nor they ever wanted to form any kind of strong alliance we are fractured and pretend that we are not but that is a different story, my father asked what is wrong as he always ask and I told him and he acted limp as always fear, but I always think that he should stick together no freaky time, what is at issue is whether or not it is justified to be insulted by someone and keep getting insulted for who you are, and what u stand for and here is the thing you did not step on no owned toe you are mind your business and you are walking by the wall and your head is on the ground so why live in such fear
So what is your fear from then? I have to fear me getting on these boy’s nerve just for my presence, as always, just fear them for no reason, and the way I see it and I always do is I still have nothing to give nor take, I even tried to convey that to family, I sympathizes with and I had t do nothing with my uncle at all, this guy is not really bad his ideology is but its bullshit when he gets blamed just for associations no more, which is what happened with family and I really don’t like that,
I here there are no justices that I know, in here machismo is all the rage and still is, what is really astonishing is how this society grows and these things grow with it that is what is wrong that is what worrying, my mother and father are either weak people or strong only on us kids because we are on their realm but they keep forgetting that we as kids are dealing with society when we go out, so unless they assert confidence in us or just leave us to convince our self, I was actually freaking out or fearing because I was concerned about my father no more, plus it is that feeling that covers me before physical fight, when I go into on I always try to win it from all sides or at least have the upper advantage but in this case what is wining and what is losing in fighting in Saudi? Seriously what is it ?
in here if you have no back to lay on the u don't do anything,
in the states I had only myself so I really did not care, about only about myself
but I am plagued by my past in here I can’t do anything without thinking about my weak father and mother, but if I do be thinking like that I suffer to be weak and to be weak here is to be opened to almost everything positive and negative but mostly nigavte there are no really positive here.
it is like the mob days in the 30's they were giving the biggest gift to people rich and poor a back for some money and "respect" we are not far from cave time no matter how much we think we are.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
From Makkah to Menaa the 4 million legacy
this is Mina, it was on Friday afternoon, I get a call from the guys at the paper, they tell me where you at?,
I told them I am home of course I might be going to Madina instead of our tirp to Makkah, he said no you cant because you had secured a ride to Makka and maybe to Mina, I said ok i ll be there in short time.
I rushed into the room I gathered anything that i thought was right to put into the a small traveling bag.
4+ Million people in a 7 kilometer parameter is something to be experienced, it is during prayer time that you see all those millions heading to one direction and it adds to the owe of the place.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
who controls the poor here ?
however that is the year I suspect this place would look something little bit different, needless to say it is different from what it was in the past 20 years.
I am reading about this house clearing that took place in Jizan last day, the article was talking about people protesting to the removal of their homes, and houses some is even were reported to passed out when the saw the house go.
So here is the thing. Jizan is a place in the south of here, it’s a place with a moderate weather and cool with humidity sometime, in short food is plenty, especially that there are new technologies that are implanted in here to help foster better vegetables crops.
I looked at the pictures of theses people over there, the photos showed people not really old mostly young adults, they seemed more to resemble southern than the average looking Saudi whatever that means, but they looked young and Yemenis.
Monday, November 10, 2008
woman rights
I had called multiple numbers in the phone before some as old as one day some are older, i figured the most recent one dialed had to be this doctor, so I dialed the number thinking as it may it must have been the doctor's number.
well it was not the doctor who answered it was a female voice instead, she answered in English instead of the common "Allo" which i think we got from the french. though hers was in Arabic so I figured this must be the doctor's cell and this was his secretary answering the phone.
I asked for the doctor right away and she said this not the number.
so I said " this is not the Dr. Hamdan's number ?"
"No" and hang up.
now these is something that needs to be clearfied so i included this note along this entry. about answering cell phone culture in the country.
- some if not all that I call in Saudi my friends mainly and their friends normally keep other cell together or uses some others phones to call, I am not sure when this started but its common plus it been going on for a while now.
- Also in Falastien road there are spisipifc unique numbers that are sold on the streets by saudi people. so in this case I could sell my number to someone my unique number that is and so if my number was sold to someone else that person would answer the phone and would expect me to answer so thats a common and something that again is being going on.
so putting theses points fact in mind while i was talking with this girl, her attitude might be simple answering a wonrf number prosures. it is simple in fact called a wrong number for the least the person could say who they are!, I do
this incident might seem simple but it speaks volume about the socity here especially woman.
that lady if she had any kind of respect for herself she would hav told who is this
there got be a universal phone call answering protocol i agree
but back to the phone answering,
i think woman in saudi that is woman who are asking the Public which i am guessing those they are asking for recognition, either dont know what to tell about themselves plus in this culture they dont know how to protect themselves as an individual since in the past there was no chance for such a thing as to woman voicing anything.
so where is the point here?
the point is while most in the west are trying to get woman to do stuff here as in have role in society, woman themselves as it seems to me really are conduced as to their position here.
this not to add blames to woman as its the norm here , like they have been blamed for much of the societies ill in many years not just here in most Arab countries. woman have to come up with an agenda that is clear, as in work something within themselves dictate their own right argue and reach things within themselves clear their positions in the society, then figure their rights especially here.
i was at PR event one day, there were couple of females in Jeddah its normal to see to woman head covered of course among a men crowd, and their presence was just that...like there were woman there and that's it, like there was no role to their pressed to all honestly there was one who got one prize for what it unknown she did not talk she did not do anything she just walked and took the thing and disappeared in the dark room corner.
i think when Saudi woman voicing for rights figure out what exactly their voicing their voice for their rights will be recognized, it happen in the west and before that in the ancient Arab times, then they had a role they were doing almost everything in the Arab ancient times and people were talking with them.
now she can't even tell you who is she when she woman are saying they are an object in here not the mentality
"The society force it. And if you do something against the society, you will feel, you will have a problem," she says. "So it’s better to go within the mainstream of the society, fit in, be conformist in a way, and be innovative in another way."
this from Ed Bradley interview, this woman was in a way taking the burden to obid notice this by what the society dictated to her and giver her and treat her, so in way the law told but the society dictated what she do or don't where is Her thing in this case
there is this line in Professor Eugene Webbers lectures, he said something i really relate to here and it can be easily observed in here, he said as bigger the Romans got as in their society and their wealth some people even from those who aren't from the privileged were trying to be in it, but as their life
a situation works like such,
a person comes in the room, and would be talking about any topic, say stocks or something of that nature,
the person normally raised their voice, he/she normally he, would say something about someone who is in some high rank such as a shady prince or something,
the purpose is to get as much people to talk as possible, the thing than becomes that is to report that person to whomever is handling these cases and the case in this case becomes to get that person man handled.
it is common here that is why people don't tend to speak against these people.
i experienced this feeling in the states, even though its no the same but it was obvious that now citxen in St.louis were in some way were doing their nations a gift of handing and suspect.
how i look at it:
i really did not care about these things prior to coming here.
i felt that it is hard as is in here, well not really hard in the sense of the word, it is easy as well, the more you show that u don't know u get in here, it is like that, the more you show u know in here the more u will get some attention to your self
it is like that, freedom of speech is a myth, its for those who can say what's on their minds but they also have a back to say.
in Jeddah there is a great feeling of dipsing people and hate full feelings, and by the way it's the same reason I think most of people here aren't from "genuine' Arabic blood, why because supposedly Arabs aren't snitches but apparently they are.
i am brain washed ? i
what is failure what is success ?
i think i asked my father is this question some time ago in the states,
i think as population grew and "peer pressure" became
i think of my future in a place like this, and here is why.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
i was reading an article in times magazine,its an old article written in 2005 when the whole Chapplle shbang was in motion, people were asking about him and where he had gone after the show was interrupted.
there was a this part in the article about him being a Muslim, and Dave mentioned something like he did not talk about his religion because he did not want people to associated this "beautiful religion" with this situation. [cut]
i was talking with a friend of mine here at the paper, last night in fact news are slow so i figured to talk to him.
i received an e-mail from my boss, it was about Islam and in America, it had Colin powell talk in the news about it
Thursday, October 30, 2008

ولد الاستاذ هايو مايازاكي في عام 1941 ميلادي لعائلة يابانية متوسطة الد خل,تعمل في صناعة اجنحة الطا ئيرات الحربيه اليابانية (zero planes). في ايام الحرب العا لمية الثاتيه 1940-1945 ميلادي, لذالك يلاحظ االكثير من الرسوم للطا ئرات في معظم اعما له الرسوميه او كما يحب البعض تسميتها "الكرتونية". انا حاولت اقتصر نوعا ما من تاريخ حياته الشخصية...الا اذا كان هناك طلب او اسئله عنه...وفي المقابل ضمنت الموضوع عن افلامه خصوصا الافلام التي وصلت للعالم العربي.
اولا المسلسلات التي قام بها في دورranimato في خلال اواخر الستينات الميلادية في استديوهات توي انيميشون,بعد ذ لك انتقل الى استديوهات ني بون,الى انهم في هاذا الستديو الجديد كلف بعمل جديد.
فا كان اول موالليد هاذا العمل مسلسل (هايدي )
الذي ساعد على لفت الانتباه الى قدرت ميازاكي في التحكم على جعل الانميشون موضوع شيق! كما فعل من قبله الاب الروحي كما يسيمه الجميع في عالم الافلاه المرسومه الاستاذ اوتومو تسوكا مؤلف الليث الابيض الاميرة ياقوت......وغيرهم كما هم معروفون في العالم العربي.
فا كان مسلسل هايدي بيد ت مشاركات ميزاكي, بعد ذالك انتقل الى استديو اخر وهو Isao Takahata
واستمر في العمل فيه لمدت 5 سنوات تراجحت ما بين الرسم و الاخراج الفلمي للافلام و انتج ميازاكي اول افلامه من هذا الاستديو المسلسل المعروف جدا في العالم العربي "عدنان ولينا"كما هومعروف و بي اللغة النجليزيةConan, The Boy in Future
لمحة بسيطة الى عدنان ولينا,قصة عدنان ولينا في الاساس منقولة عن كتاب انجليزي يدعىThe great tide
الا انه قام بتغير بعض مكونات القصة لتصلح للفلم كما فعل من قبل في مسلسل هايدي ونقطة اخرى ان مسلسل عدنان ولينا كان اول اعمله التي اتمماها في الاحراج خصا هعنا هذا انه لم يقم بلاعداد الرسومي كثيرا! وهذي النقطة مهم بنسبه له لانه اعتبر من احسن المخرجين في ذلك الوقت. ثم انتقل من هذا الاستديو الى اخر في عام1976 انتقل ميازاكي الى استديواخر يدعى Tokyo Movie Shinsha
في هذا الاستديو يأتي عمله الاخراجي الفلمي الشهير Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
المبني على سلسلة القصص و الكرتون في ذالك الوقت بنفس الاسم و حاز على هذا الفلم الذي مدته ساعه و 90 دقيقة جوائز عده وبه ينهي ميازاكي عمله في الاستديو ويكون بديات تأسيس افضل واجمل مركز للافلام المرسومه الاوهوا استوديو جبولي او قبيلي الذ اسماه على الرياح القبليه التي تهب على شمال القاره الافريقيه!!
ويكون بذ لك المؤسس و المخرج و المؤلف و ايضا المنتج لعدة افلام ليس مسلسلات! من هذا الستديو من اول اعمل مركزه الجديد اخرج ميزاكي اول افلامه المقتبس من قصة الفها و رسمها , فلم Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind
في عام1984 الذي تدور قصته حول الفتاة Nausicaäوصراعها ضد جيش يحوال احتلا مدينتها و ارجاع مخلوق اثري الى تدمير المدينه وكما هو معتاد من افلامه الرسوم جيده جد مقرنتا بلعمال المنجه في ذلك الوقت و الخلفيات مقتبسه من اشكال شرقيه نوعا ما لكن ليست محدده الى بلد معين.
يتبع فلمNausicaäفلم اخر بعنوان توتورو الذي تدر قصتة حول طفلتين يعانيان من مرض والدتهم ,خروجهم وايضا من بيتهم القديم الى اخر جديد الذي لا يرونه امرا محببا!! وهنا يأتي المخلوق التوتورو الذي وبمساعدت مخلوقات اخرين يحاولو تخفيف معانت هاتين الطفلتين! ومن هناك تبدأ المغامره.ويكون هذا الفلم الثني لجبولي.
يأتي بعدة فلم لا يحضرني اسمه العربي الان فلمthe grave of the fireflies
الذي تدور قصته حول طفل و اخته الصغرى ابان الحرب ومعاناتهم ايضا الى النهايه ,هذا الفلم كما ذكرت انتج للعالم العربي لكن بالطبع بأسم أخر في هذا الفلم ميازاكي انتج الفلم لكن لم يخرجه وهذي نقطة انشأ الله سأذكر فيها الافلام التي انتجها في موضوع اخر قريب
لكن للان سأذكر أسمأ هذه الافلام
Saturday, October 11, 2008
messy after thoughts
really “modernization” and oil boom affected the way people think here, or the people from the beginning were just like that but that last part wouldn’t be possible since every one here claiming heritage of noble blood scared blood. So how is this mess can be explained
Monday, July 07, 2008
she is gone for real!
We faded as time passed us,
there were times as good as these that it is impossible to let go of some and keep some
She gave up and let go, it is like that story of the two Shipmates
One Who left the boat, and one that went along and departed to the end,
They both wanted to forget to remember,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Happy birthday yasuko
i miss the time we spent, by no joke that girl really filled something in me i never ever think it will be the same,
i think we established some kind of bond at the beginning that wasn't easily broken, i think it was product of the time and place of course,
now we are far away and the relationship who knows what i think she found someone else,she will
developed countries are there and there things are there as well, no need to look around things are ready for picking
i wonder what will happen i kind of have an idea but i cant think of it.
Friday, March 14, 2008
It’s Always Now
Two animals decided to go on a journey in midst of the sea and then to the open ocean.
they decided to ride a bit long boat. One person was to sit on the front tip of the boat. The other was to sit all the way in the back.
Both started stroking the gentle water, their direction, their goal seemed to be set. And they both agreed that if something comes along the way, it was for that person to who-ever needs to say something have to say it. Both agreed so they sailed through the waters.
The trip had both its enjoyable and miserable times, when the waves were high and the wind blew strong, they struggled together to keep the boat safe and the trip on time.
When the wind and the water current were calm, so was the mood of the two. They fished, swam together in the warm waters, chatted and enjoyed the trip.
On one particular night darkness fell surprisingly quick. the sky seemed to predict some action through the clouds. The sky went from murky grey to great to absolute dark, the clouds look as if it was a pieces of cotton soaked in ink.
the monkey looked at the sky and sensed another rough night on the sea. Though it was like almost every rough night on the sea, he predicted this one to be rougher. So the monkey shouted to the Cat who seemed silent for some time. “hello… I think it will be rough time tonight…”
the cat had no response, she seemed gloomy and quite,
“Cat can you hear me?....ohh this distance between us the cat always make big deal of it”
“Hello…can you hear me?”
“I said it might be rough time tonight”
again no answer from the cat.
The monkey and the Cat had not talked for a while, and for some odd reason the monkey cant rembre why. Monkey started speculating thinking to itself,
”even though the time is not right to think about these type things, but I think we got carried out with our tasks, as the trip went on we forgot our promises to each others”
“I think we enjoyed our times, we thought we bonded through this trip”
the monkey thought about this for some time, as the storm seemed to be brewing in the distance.
the monkey continued.
”…well I could leave my post and head over there and meet the Cat and talk to her, but looking at the sky I don’t think its feasible,”
I will try to call her again..
“Hey Cat can you hear me or not?? Why your not answering me ?” the monkey shouted and tired again and again but no avail.
finally the Monkey told the Cat ” okay Cat I am on my way to you, can you meet in the middiel of the boat at least ?” , the cat did not even turn around which made the monkey worry, “okay I am coming over.”
The vessel started rocking left and right as the monkey was trying to reach to the cat he had to remove the covers they had there to protect therie food and belongings, the narrowness of the boat made it almost impossible to walk.it seemed that this boat was meant to be constructed this very awkward desing.
it had two bowls shaped places with a norrow path in-between, the tube if you like was used to to keep both passengers belongings which was utilized for just that.
Also as the way it was designed these to halves if you well, couble easily separated, all was needed is for each passenger is to unplug their bowl and used as a normal water carrying boat type, problem is then that person would have to fill in the hole where the tube used to be, plus he/she would have to deal with the sea alone, since unplugging would seemingly make the vessel lose more balance.
On “The Open Great Land” on its sea shore, on one of many Great Seas stood a cat and a Macaque, both looking at the blue ocean. The two were looking at animals whom took the ocean together on what is called on that Land a “journey”. Next to the two animals were the vessels of which these animals of the Land used so they can take up a Journey. These vessels are not in effect actual vessel, it
way it was designed these to halves if you well, couble easily separated, all was needed is for each it was a very simply designed,to make one an animal would have to find a bowl that fits its passenger, though these bowls can ride the sea but it would be risky to do so.
so to make a vessel two bowl shapes would have to attached through a pole or tube if done correctly these two bowls with that pices betweeb them suprisgly balances it self on the sea!.
however the length of the tube or a pole depndes on the travelers cognition. Meaning there are many poles around the land,one were long one were short, and each comes with its own property and reponcibilty on the sea.
and so if the pole would be long it would means the though the vessel is balanced for the journey, the distance between the two anilams might be long,which naturally means less and depends on the needs of the travlers, so if if the journey would need more pepratoin that is many stuff to carry animals would look for a tube and if less peprations are needed a pole might do!.together for two animals, person would have to fill in the hole where the tube used to be, plus he/she would have to deal with the sea alone, since unplugging would seemingly make the vessel lose more balance.
was made of for some time they both had lived a life on land and both had seen many animals leave the shores. The Cat wondered one time if she can ask the Macaque if it would like to on the ocean for a journey together,
the Cat said “Hi Macaque, I want to ask you if you would like to go with me along a journey you and me through the ocean, see other lands and enjoy each other’s company I think it will be nice what do you say?”the Macaque was quite on the top of one tree chewing on some fruit, the Cat continued again, “well I’ve been looking at you for sometime and wondered about you and about your Macaque life, I’ve seen many other different Macaques before but I never seen one like you before”
the Macaque was grinned for little bit, the Cat realized the grin, and asked so what do you say ?
Listen I know that you and I are different animals, we eat differently we speak differently we look differently! but I think we should give it a chance, we should take a chance and take a trip. At the moment the Macaque slowly descended down and tired to
it was as if its been a while since the time they talked, so the one in the back asked “do you remebre our promise?”
no replay…, the one in the back asked “hello…I am talking to you”
but no replay again, the person in the back felt like coming in the fornt as waves were at its higher again one night the wind seemed to blow littitle bit harder, and
when that land lingered close in the distance, the cat swiftly jumped off the boat very gracefully, and landed on it paws like she was walking on air it self.
The monkey was suspired and mouth wide open, he thought the cat might get hurt …”ca cat CAT”
She landed fine, looked to the monkey, and said very calmly we are but different animals, you and I.
I enjoyed the ride with you don’t get wrong, but I was thinking about all these, and I couldn’t see it anyway else, I took it on my behalf to think for you without telling you, I just think you should carry on my friend, and forget about the cat that you once knew and maybe…loved.
I made this so I don’t hurt you, in a way I think I should hurt my self but not you…
maybe I love you maybe I am not, but after all I think this the best for all of us.
maybe when time is right monkeys and cats can be together, but as I see the world this the land I think I belong to, and you should stay on land and forget boats even if riding them is fun…”
Bye monkey…
Friday, February 29, 2008
so yes the net is that place, I cant really put and explanation to why everyone is on the net, reason been not everyone around the world is, in the states yes they do have an access that access is not really because these people want to be there its more because communication companies made it easy but not always cheap.
Even “free Wi-Fi” at most places do require some type of payments for income.
So I share some of Keen’s theories but I disagree with him on the bases that he mention something like it’s kind of dangerous or whether its important or not. And I wouldn’t go far to judged or think it’s good or bad for democracy.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
If you look at most history the net articles one would fine that the history don’t really fall in many of the scientific historical stories, when one read it’s always a story about some pep lint MIT or somewhere trying to figure out how to make possible the sharing of information and the story goes on.
What this lacks is the most stories found scientific discoveries that is a lab or materials or what worked and what not when element A or B was added.
Friday, February 22, 2008
in his own words
I a guy was hired shortly after I was let go, my friend at the old job called me up and said that, that guy had made a statement about the job and the office and all that, I always thought of doing something similar it just never formalized, so instead I am going to be using his statement though i don’t agree with few things but overall it shows some insight.
“You stay until 5:30. Those are the hours and you will be here until 5:30.” I smiled as my bosses chin jiggled with anger. I couldn't’t wait to get home and show my girlfriend his penguin waddle. I wonder if anyone in the office has asked him what happened to make him walk in such a peculiar way.
“Will there be any more problems with you following the rules of the office Jeffery. We hire you because we think you smart enough to do as we say, but you continue and we have no choice but to get rid of you.” His five foot two inch frame looked strained. The circles around his eyes were darker than his brown skin. I’ve always had the hardest time understanding a foreign accent and now I’m working in an office full of them.
“If you have to fire me, I’m sure you’ve got another family member who needs a job.”
“Very funny smart guy. No, no, you crack us up, that’s very funny Jeffery. Because we have lots of family working here, I get it, its very smart, I see why you graduate from college.” There was no jiggling this time and I felt the distain he had for me, not that I could blame him. I took my seat and stared at the paper work I was supposed to be checking, I am quality control. I have been trying to lose this job since I started three days ago. God bless the mediocre work ethic in this country though. I’ve got a tried and true formula when it comes to office work. And before you start denouncing the formula there are of course exceptions to every rule.
For every hour you work, you spend one hour doing nothing. It’s that simple. You work half as much as you are told to work. Of course you can only pull this off at office jobs or jobs without any supervision. After 7 years of office work, my work ethic has never come into question. Some of you are probably thinking some bullshit about pride in your work and all other sort of capitalist propaganda, not that I blame you. I was brought up in the same public school systems as you. But unless you own your own business, what’s the point. I don’t have any benefits. Nothing happens to me if the company sees more profits and nothing happens if profits fall, in fact I often pray to my hands that profits do fall. Unemployment is a pretty sweet gig if you are still a bachelor and childless.
I try to avoid staring out the windows or blankly at a spot in the ceiling. The same rules from school apply to work. There are still write ups and there are still visits to an authority figures office. I’ve had some good jobs and I’ve had some bad jobs. Most are a combination of both and so it goes. You can’t always get away with discussing placenta sandwiches or saying its just skin. At my last job the boss had a giant poster of a sports car, it said, “Those who aren’t obsessed with money are poor.” I always found the poster to be disgusting and ignorant, but there is nothing wrong with that poster, at least its honest. When you set laws according to a certain economic system, the systems has no choice but to entrench itself in the culture in which it exists, it knows no other way and so I sit and waste another minute staring at the same numbers, forty-eight and six hundred thirty two.
The days go slow without the internet. I miss seducing the lonely fat girls and the men pretending to be women for who knows what reason. The only time I pretend to be a woman is to seduce lesbians. It’s ballsy to expect 8 full hours of work, they obviously haven’t assimilated yet. I get so tired of their damn work ethic. Even the bosses work second jobs on the weekends. I imagine it’s hard to be one of their children. Do they expect as much or more? The Muhammad Ali lookalike is the boss’s cousin. The others tell me he’s the spy on the office floor. He keeps looking at me as I type, so I try to keep the typing noises to a minimum.
“Babily, it’s snowing you know.” Only in desperation do I speak to the boss. It usually leads to a new work assignment or a review of what I have done for the day.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
the environment thrived inside another environment,
he grew within a within,
he had to adapt to the first environment and than to the other environment his father was making money...big money,
big money made it easy to head to the other environment,
he met te people there he felt as one of the whole,
he had to lave to another country,
he met with people from both environments,
he did not know what to do,
hang with the within, or with,
he chose to go within and do without the latter,
Accepted by the few, accepted by the loudest he feels fine now, because they got the loudest voices.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
jafar Lalu and the "computer-Savvy Thieves Who Rips Off Gas Stations"
i went to work like every morning, this the year which Kevin ( laliuWodd)
started working for the station, "down stairs".
one day (the day mentioned in this entry) local news channels here in st.Louis, started reporting on a guy from somewhere atthikng gas pumps.
the attack...well it not really a damage attack, but more of hacking the pump to make fill gas without charging.
at sometime in the afternoon, a reporter from local channel KSDK NBC affailite in here. he had some intense tan and a grey suite and as reporters he was asking almost everyone around questions.
this brought 'Jafar' into the picture
created: 5/6/2006 10:44:34 PM
updated: 5/8/2006 10:46:59 AM
"At least two St. Louis gas station owners or managers say somebody is breaking into gas pumps, reprogramming interior keypads and instructing the machines to dispense fuel at no charge.Free gas is certainly not what the gas station owners had in mind.Kevin Tippit is manager of the Phillips 66 at Lindell and Boyle in St. Louis. Tippit says his boss lost between $6,000 and $10,000 worth of gas Friday before a regular customer tipped-off an employee."They (the thieves) have a key to the pump and then after they open up the pump they go in and they reprogram the pump, so they can have free gas. And then everybody behind them sees what they're doing, and they continue," says Tippit.Tippit was asked why gas station employees would not notice such activity."What it actually does is bypass our system," says Tippit. "It goes beyond the register and is drawing directly off the pumps."While Tippit says he and his employees have keys to the gas pumps, they don't have codes to the interior keypads. He says the only people with those codes are employees of companies that service gas stations.Amjad Darwish, owner of Mobile Food Mart at Lindell and Delmar, agrees. His store got hit last month.A company that services gas stations offered a solution. That company took the interior keypads out of the gas pumps.Darwish believes the suspect came back and tried again Friday night. This time employees recognized the suspect's license plate. They were able to see it because, in addition to several cameras that monitor the inside of the store, the store also has several cameras that monitor the parking lot and gas pumps."When he walks in, we locked the door and call the police. They searched his car. They found the keys (and) the program. Everything was in his car."The St. Louis Police Department continues to investigate the thefts.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
In Rydell's All the Worlds a Fair, he argues that the world's fairs in America from 1876-1916 were a material vision of political, business, and intellectuals to promote their vision of racial dominance. According to Rydell's book the world fairs portrayed a sinister agenda. And the ideas of American progress were related to scientific racism. He also states that the world fair's organizers utilized the Fair in a "scientific" manner to racially segregate members of the American population and the world.
Moreover Anna carol Christ's' The Sole Guardians of the Art Inheritance of Asia": Japan at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, echoes Rydell points. In her article she focus on how the Japanese used their exhibits in the St. Louis's World's Fair, to take advantage of China's vulnerability. Both historians' accounts rises intriguing points onto the subject of the St. Louis Worlds Fair exhibits. The Ainu exhibit in the anthropology department and the "Japan Fair" seemed to connect on the same principles both historians mentioned but fagot to discuss which this paper will try to expand upon.
This paper looks at the role of Department of Anthropology at St. Louis Fair in exhibiting the Ainu group. This display of the Ainu served the general agenda of World's Fair and that of Japan. Also this paper will look at how the Imperial Japanese Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition used its exhibits designed in Western style for self-promotional purposes, by the use of display, journalism, and literature. The Commission wanted to disassociates it self from anything that is uncivil on the Fair's grounds.
I will begin with a brief overview of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair Anthropology Department at the Fair and its Ainu exhibit. Next I will look at the Japanese Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition's "Fair Japan" exhibits related materials and publications produced in English for the Fair's audience.
In 1899 ninety delegates representing states and territories of the Louisiana Purchase met in St. Louis. Their meeting was to figure out how to memorialize the centennial acquisition of the Louisiana territory. After extensive discussions it was generally agreed on that the celebration would be best accomplished by creating an international exposition held in St. Louis, hence The Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904[1].
As the with World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, anthropology had a significant role in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. According to the president of the St. Louis’s Fair David R. Francis, "the Anthropology reservation will carry representatives of upward of thirty living groups are to be seen in nature dress, living in houses of their own construction, cooking and eating the food to which they are accustomed at home, and practicing those simple arts and industries, which they themselves developed." to do the job Francis sought the help of Prof. W.J. McGee.
Prof. W. J. McGee was the head of the Bureau of American Ethnology in Washington, D.C. was appointed chief of the Department of Anthropology at the Exposition in the summer of 1903. Prof. W. J. McGee was considered then as the leading authority on anything anthropology. Especially during his tenure at the Bureau of American Ethnology in Washington, D.C. and prior to his appointment as chief of the Department of Anthropology St. Louis Fair, according to Rydell Prof. McGee was charged with financial irregularity, which forced him to resign the Washington position.
In Prof. McGee's early speeches in preparing for the Fair he assured the audience of mainly Fairs organizers that “the aim of the Department of Anthropology at the World's Fair will be to present human progress from the dark prime to the highest enlightenment; from savagery to civic organization, from egoism to altruism. The method will be to use living peoples in their accustomed avocations as great object lessons; failing these in some cases, we shall use human products to illustrate human progress".[2]
Prof. McGee created the most extensive anthropology exhibits of any world's fair before or since[3]. Although the Department of Anthropology featured traditional museum, or "still." exhibits in a building on the camps of Washington University, the main emphasis, as McGee had promised, was on "living peoples," outdoor ethnographic exhibits located on an extensive "anthropology reservation" where representatives of up-ward to thirty living groups are to he seen in native dress, living in houses of their own construction, cooking and eating the food to which they are accustomed at home, and practicing those simple arts and industries, which they have. Themselves developed"[4].
According to Vanstone living groups, or "out-of-doors exhibits" as it was labeled by concessionaires, had been used for the first time in U.S. in the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893. And in a way Prof. McGee was trying to equal Prof. F. W. Putnam efforts in displaying anthropology to the public. Moreover the anthropology reserve was not the only place where Native peoples were to be exhibited as "living peoples". Another popular feature of the Exposition was "The Pike".
The Pike was described by David Francis, as a "living color page of the world." And it ranged as mile long amusement adjunct, and it was referred to as St. Louis's equivalent to Chicago's Midway of 1893. On the Pike food, beverages, rides, shows, souvenirs, and the living groups were displayed along each other. Here the various anthropological concessions exhibits were set up. The exhibits included a Chinese village a Moorish palace and according to Vanstone the Pikes' most popular the Esquimaux village concession[5]. Also Native American Indians concessions were built, the "Cliff Dwellers," where the Hopi and Zuni Indians tribes form Colorado displayed hand made crafts and danced for the fairgoers.
For the Pike visitors paid different admission fee every time they wanted to visit an exhibit along The Pike, the fees in return went to each exhibits' concessionaire[6]. Visitors to the Anthropology exhibits had the opportunity to watch the primitives from all around the world. First visitors watched the natives pursuing daily activities on the reserved land for anthropology, and then on the more a commercialized concession exhibits. The emphasis on the later one was theatrical display and entertainment.
To represent a living group from Japan, McGee and Exposition officials picked the Ainu of Hokkaido Island. Ainu have long been the subject of academic debate. And in actuality it was not the first time American had heard of them. the Ainu were particularly noted for their hairy bodies in The Atlantic Monthly, article titled In a Quest of a Shadow by Todd Loomis in September 1897.As Loomis referred to them as "Hairy Ainu". And perhaps it was for their controversial background that McGee felt that Ainu had to be present at the World Fair.
During Tokugawa (Edo) Period (1603 - 1867) the Ainu population on Main Island Japan has been reduced and moved farther north Japanese isle to Hokkaido. Under the Matsumae domain grants and permissions were given to wealthy Tokyo and Osaka merchant to utilize the land and its fishery. This domain continued its commercializing plans, and demand for fishery labor eventually lead to the Ainu's subjugation militarily[7].
According to David Howell "trade originating in this medieval period and, the proto-industrial production that eventually evolved out of it, made the Ainu dependent for their subsistence upon the Matsumae domain and its agents, particularly the established concept of contract-fishery operation which the Matsumae Domain had brought to Hokkaido." by the end of the Tokugawa period labor in the commercial fishery the Matsumae domain had created, according to Howell "was at least as important to the Ainu economy as traditional hunting and gathering activities."[8]
During Meiji period commonly known as Meiji Restoration period that lasted from 1868 to 1912, Ainu culture and society witnessed tremendous decline. This is important because the restoration that the Meiji brought was heavily concentrated on westernizing Japan by democratizing and industrializing the island. The Restoration the Meiji introduced made new and aggressive policies of assimilation. To the Ainu the Restoration came in the form of deculturation, which sought to eliminate everything from their language and other manifestations of Ainu's native culture. The policies were devastatingly effective.
On January 18 1904 McGee wrote instructing Starr for his trip to Japan, " You are to secure the voluntary attendance at the Exposition of eight or ten Ainu tribesmen, preferably comprising one or two families, with such appurtenances as may be required to permit them to live in their accustomed way throughout the period of the Exposition, in a habitation or habitations erected by themselves on the Exposition grounds."[9] Also Starr was given a letter of introduction from President Francis to the Commissioner General of the Imperial Japanese Commission for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in Tokyo.
Starr arrived at a time when Meiji Japan was preparing for war with Russia. And apparently Starr was surprised to how the Japanese officials accommodation to his mission went peacefully, even though war was brewing. Starr noted his experience about that time stating " But, through this period of stress and preparation, of dispatching troops and moving war equipment, we were never disrupted or delayed in our mission; those officials, whom we were obliged to meet, received us with the same courtesy and attended to our requests with same care and promptness, as if it were a time of complete peace."[10]
When Starr reached Hokkaido he was advised to meet Rev. John Batchelor in his house on outskirts of Sapporo city. According to Starr "The Rev. John Batchelor came to Yezo in I879, a young man of twenty-four years. He has lived here ever since- more than half his lifetime. A clergyman of the Church of England and a missionary of the Church Missionary Society, he labors among both Japanese and Ainu, but considers himself particularly called to be 'the Apostle to the Ainu'. He knows this people as no other stranger, Japanese or "foreigner," does. He has visited their villages in all parts of the island; he speaks their language more perfectly than their own young people do; he has studied their life, and thought, and fancies. He is their friend and adviser in need and trouble.
While his converts among them may number nine hundred, his acquaintance and influence extends to thousands. He has actually lived for years in their villages, especially Piratori and Horobets. He has written a Dictionary and a Grammar of the Ainu language and has translated the Psalms, the New Testament, several Bible narratives, he is the author of the two best books upon their life and thought The Ainu of Japan and The Ainu and Their Folk-lore."[11] While Starr stay with the Rev. saw his first Ainu.
With Rev. John Bachelors' help Starr was able to obtain the Ainu group he came for. His group consisted of two couples in their mid fifties Sangea Hirmura husband, and his wife Santukno. Two younger couples Kutoroge Hiramura husband and his wife Shutratek and their two young girls Kin and Kiku; and slightly younger couple, Yazo Osawa husband, age twenty-three, and his wife Shirake, age eighteen; and a twenty-six years old Main Land native Coro Bete for translation[12].
According to David R. Francis President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, who was shared the views of McGee, "the Ainu were selected to illustrate industries connected with body ward movement, a primitive agriculture which has produced a distinctive Corm of millet, specialized architecture befitting a trying climate, A most primitive musical system and a bear-cult; and in the hope of acquainting the world for the first time with the full law and faith of a little-known primitive people".
The Ainu group eventually arrived to St. Louis and was brought to St. Louis Worlds Fair grounds. Materials for the construction of the Ainu house were brought on May 11, and the Ainu were "astonishingly prompt"[13] in erecting their house (Fig1). The Ainu worked on their house in the present of a group of invited guests, which included W. J. McGee and George A. Dorsey, curator of anthropology at the Field Columbian Museum in Chicago. According to Vanstone Prof. Frederick Starr was teaching his class in Chicago and couldn't come to the meeting.
The Ainu group eventually arrived to St. Louis and was brought to St. Louis Worlds Fair grounds. Materials for the construction of the Ainu house were brought on May 11, and the Ainu were "astonishingly prompt"[14] in erecting their house (Fig1). The Ainu worked on their house in the present of a group of invited guests, which included W. J. McGee and George A. Dorsey, curator of anthropology at the Field Columbian Museum in Chicago. According to Vanstone Prof. Frederick Starr was teaching his class in Chicago and couldn't come to the meeting.
Prof. McGee provided the necessary building materials for the Ainu, and they according Vanstone were a prompt in using the materials to build their house for the six-month period of the Fair. Surprisingly Ainu were familiar with building material, because in one picture from the Fair, the Ainu appeared as if they were in an actual village-house that Starr had found them in.
An interpreter provided by the Japanese Commission to Fair, Mr. Inagaki, presided over traditional ceremonies with a Christian dedication scheduled for the following Sunday [15]. During their stay at the Exposition the Ainu surprised the visitors by holding Christian religious services and, on several occasions, attending services at a nearby Episcopal church.
All the living groups at the Exposition a subject matter of lectures by students and scientists. The Ainu were measured, questioned, and they faced ethnology classes while professors lectured on their customs, religion, and ceremonies. According to J. Stone "Frederick Starr taught a three-week course, beginning on September 1, entitled 'The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Class in Ethnology,' for which students Could receive credits in their major subjects. It attracted about 30 students from the University of Chicago and some St. Louis schoolteachers."
Starr's lectured on the Ainu was between 9 to 10:00 am, titled the physical characteristics of race. The Ainu, like the other living groups, were tolerant of questions asked to them sometimes through the interpreter. Hanson for his Official History of the World's Fair wrote about this "Pertinent and impertinent, about themselves without asking return information respecting the white people who were studying them". One enthusiastic writer referred to the Ainu as "mysterious little Japanese primitives" and noted that visitors were impressed by their cleanliness and polite manners, but somewhat disappointed that they were not "man-eaters, dog eaters or wild men"[16]
August marked "Anthropology Days", which were Olympic type contests and activities in the Exposition. The contests involved the members of the living groups in sport competitions. The sports ranged from running, high jumping, archery and, spear throwing. The Ainu, Patagonians, Eskimos, Native Americans, Philippine and African groups were all competing. For example the Ainu and Patagonians tribe from Argentina competed in archery contests. The winners were given American flags instead of gold medals.
The Ainu group elicited particular interest because they were the first of their people to come to the United States; they were not well known even in their own country. It is noteworthy that of the more than 600 persons in the Japanese entourage at the Exposition, only one person had previously seen an Ainu[17].
The Department of Anthropology was credited with great success in presenting the world's peoples "true to life." including, of course, the Ainu. Visitors and Exposition personnel agreed, "Ethnology was never so truthfully represented as at the Universal Exposition of 1904."[18]
The Exposition administrators must have been pleased, because according to Van Stone, on October 17. 1904, about six weeks before the Exposition was to close. McGee notified Star that, for the Ainu group, he was awarded a "Grand Prize", supplemented by a silver medal for Mr. Y. Inagaki. These prizes were awarded in the Ethnology, United States, Depart mental Exhibits category. The Ainu group's "primitive culture" which Prof. Starr exhibited at the St. Louis's World's Fair, centuries prior to his arrival had endured cultural transformations and economic dependency.
"On July 10, 1903, an imperial ordinance for the organization of the imperial Japanese commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was issued by the Mikado to the effect that the imperial commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition should be under the supervision of the minister of state for agriculture and commerce, and should deal with all the matters relating to the participation of the Japanese Empire in the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition;"[19]
At the beginning of the 20th century, a global movement made by industrial nations and nation-state alike in attempt to farther modernize, industrialize, and militarize for purpose of expansionism. Asian countries particularly China with the exception of Japan experienced throughout the end of the 19th century exploitations and colonization largely made by Western states.
On this era which St. Louis's World's Fair of 1904 coincided with, Anna Christ writes," This was an era of international arm-wrestling in which losing countries were eclipsed, and China had been losing for some time".[20] After the Opium Wars, Great Britain, France, and Russia, followed by the United States had great economical power in East Asia. Japan understood Western intentions in the East, and Japanese tired to emerge from this aggressively imperialist period as much stronger nation than China by equating it self with the West.
The First Sino–Japanese War (1894 - 1895) was a war fought between Qing Dynasty China and Meiji Japan over the control of Korea[21]. The Sino-Japanese War symbolized the degeneration and weakness of the Qing dynasty and demonstrated to the Meiji Japan how successful westernization and modernization had been in Japan since the Restoration. After the war Japan took possession of Chinese territory and Formosa current day Taiwan.
According to Christ "Japanese were threatened by the U.S. seizure of the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. In 1900, when Japanese troops entered Peking with the Western powers in response to the Boxer Rebellion, it was apparent that the Japanese sought to measure up on the Western scale."[22]
The principal results from these events in East Asia, was a shift in regional power and dominance from China to Japan; from Chinese traditions of the Qing Dynasty to Emperor Meiji's Restoration.
Japan at the time of the World's Fair tired to raise its international status from defamed "Oriental" to a respected colonial power. The Japanese understood the World's Fair environment very well. And by 1904 Japan was an accomplished exposition participant and a promoter of its state and culture. Since the international exposition in Vienna in 1873,to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Japan has participated in twenty-seven world's fairs. [23]
The Japanese, in views of accomplished St. Louis Fair cessionaries, were successful exhibitors on the Fairs' grounds. Because Japan along with Western nations was a model of “modern representational order” from East Asia, in which neither the Chinese nor the Ainu were. The Japanese official Commission to the fair sized the opportunity of the St. Louis Fair as a way to strengthen its dominant position in the Far East. According to Stevens," Her (Japan) participation in the exposition at St. Louis was more memorable in many respects than at any preceding exposition. In the first place, the exhibits never before occupied such an extensive area. It was three times as large as that occupied by Japan at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the Paris Exposition of 1900, respectively."[24]
Notwithstanding the fact that there was only a short period of nine months between Japan's decision to participate and the opening of the fair, and that in the course of that comparatively short period the rupture of friendly relations between Russia and Japan greatly handicapped the latter's endeavors concerning the exposition, the officials and exhibitors pursued their preconceived plan without an interruption. In view of such disadvantages, the promptness and accuracy with which articles were brought into their destination, arranged, and displayed seasonably in proper form may well be regarded as remarkable.
The Official Commission to the Fair participated in almost each department of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Displays on an especially elaborate scale, however, could be found in the following eleven palaces, namely: Palaces of Education and Social Economy, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Manufactures, Varied Industries, Transportation, Mines, Forestry, Fish, and Game, Electricity, and Agriculture. The total area of space of the Japanese sections totaled 129,457[25] Square feet.
The Japanese sent “a fine collection” of decorative arts to the St.Louis fair.
According to Christ this was due to “political changes” giving “a new turn” to Japanese foreign policy. These changes surely led to the 1868 Meiji Restoration. The Vienna Exposition of 1873 marked the beginning of a more aggressive style of participation with which the Japanese announced their capabilities. The Meiji government spent three years planning the exhibit and another year choosing materials. From 1873 forward, Japanese governmental agencies staged exhibits in most international fairs[26].
Japan’s newly earned status as imperialist nation ensured its entry into St. Louis’s fine arts palace current day St. Louis Art museum. And just like the World's Fair founders, Japanese bureaucrats and businessmen made up the Japanese Official Commission to the Fair. According to Christ these officials persuaded Halsey Ives head of the Art building, for more space for more than two years prior to the fair.
They constantly requested more gallery space and held a juried event in Tokyo to choose the works to be sent to St. Louis. Shugio sent Ives a proposed gallery plan many months in advance and ended up with seven spacious galleries on which he spent an unusually large amount of money and attention, sending Japanese artists to St. Louis to paint friezes directly on the walls. The representative value of fine art was so high that Japan included an artist’s studio in its pavilion, a feature that no other nation offered. In addition to many other publications about their exhibits, the Japanese produced an elaborate fine arts catalog complete with artists’ names and a full array of photographs.
Japanese writers publishing in English during the era championed Japanese nationalism as they depicted a broken and dependent China. In Awakening of Japan Okakura proclaimed that Japan stood “alone against the world” without “the benefit of a living art in China.” In Ideals of the East he called Japan a “museum of Asiatic civilization” where “Chinese and Indian ideals” were preserved because “they were long since cast away by the hands that created them.
In Book of Tea, published the year following the St. Louis fair, Okakura described the Chinese as “old and disenchanted.” Hoshi had put the West on notice several years earlier by depicting Japan in a paternalistic stance, a common posture for colonial powers: “The nations of the West shall not be allowed to transform the soul of [the Chinese] people, no matter how much they may hack and cut at their flesh.” He also asserted that Japan had, "the same cause to uphold in China and the same interests to protect as other civilized nations." which reflected Western imperialist notion of ac-quiring Asian lands. And in another article Takahira expressed Japan’s determination to stop Russia from "acquiring any part of China’s territory."
Another example was Nitobe Inaz¯o’s book Bushido: The Soul of Japan published in 1901 and it was sold it in the Fair. In this book Nitobe tried to familiarize foreign readers with Japan, and also to demonstrate a parallel in Japanese and Western traditions. He effectively portrayed Japan as the moral equivalent of the Western powers in Asia because according to Anna Christ Nitobe heard that President Theodore Roosevelt actually had read Bushido.
St. Louis's Fair exhibition ordering helped Japan alternate the reading of Japan’s colonial position. By assigning Japan the title of imperial nation and colonial power: the protector of Chinese territory and the inheritor of Chinese culture. The Japanese Ainu exhibit was located closely to the U.S. Philippine and Native American exhibits at the Anthropology Department. And for the Ainu, Japan actually did collaborate with McGee's Anthropology Department to exhibit the Ainu as inferior to the people at the Fair. The eight Ainu "specimens" were considered inferior several stages to the Japanese in the claimed scientific poster titled "Types and Development of Man" at the Department.
To disassociate themselves from the Ainu, the Commission listed them primitive race. Ironically the Ainu were considered "simple barbarians" incapable of "civilization". Even though since the Ainu's arrival, the Ainu had built their houses cooked their food, competed in sports and, answered Fair gores questions.
It seemed apparent that Department of Anthropology at World's Fair categorization of the Ainu seemed to legitimize Japans' colonial venture in China.
According to Rydell the confusion surrounding the Ainu exhibit, made visitors think of the Ainu as spoils of japans' colony in the Far East. Those eight Ainu were the first of their people to come to the United States. Before the Fair according to Francis only one person out of 600 or more members of the Official Japanese Commission to the Fair had claimed to previously seen an Ainu.
The game of colonial competition on St. Louis World’s Fair is was part of a global colonial phenomenon. The McGee's Anthropology underplayed the Ainu's civilization, by displaying them as objects for study and experiments.
4 Francis David Rowland, 1850-1927."The Universal Exposition of 1904 / by David R. Francis." St. Louis, Mo.: Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, 1913.
[2] 1903 the Exposition Concessionaires' Association. World’s Fair Bulletin 4912):34-35
[3] Rydell, Robert W.
[4] Frederick Starr The Ainu Group at the Saint-Louis Exposition.( Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company.1904)
[5] Van Stone, James W
[6] Anonymous1903~34-35; Mac Mechen 1904:Zl
[7] “Making Useful Citizens OF Ainu Subjects in Early Twentieth-Century Japan”.
[8] David L. Howell, Capitalism from Within: Economy, Society, and the State in a Japanese Fishery. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995) 5.
[9] Vanstone p.3
[10] Frederick Starr. The Ainu Group at the Saint-Louis Exposition (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company.1904) 4
[11] Frederick Starr p.12
10 Frederick Starr p.15
[13] Starr p.12
[14] Starr p.12
[15] The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sunday. May 22. 1904
[16] (Hanson 1904:385, 393).
[17] Francis.
[18] Stevens, Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
[19] Walter B. Stevens 1904 p.8
[20] Anna C. Christ. "Japan's Seven Acres: Politics and Aesthetics at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition." (Durham: Duke University Press,1996): 2.
[21] Reischauer East Asia Tradition and Transformation
[22] Anna C. Christ p.2
[23] Walter B. Stevens p.273
[24] Walter B. Stevens
[26] Alcock Rutherford, Art and Art Industries in Japan (London: Virtue, 1878), 5.
freedom ???
Ask any learned American to name the deadliest war the united state had ever been involved in and they would sure to say the Civil War. Equal perhaps to the Second World War the civil war had spawned more books fictional and none, movies also fictional or reenactment of actual events and battles. So much so that it is only dwarfed in bulk by academic papers in scholarly magazines on it causes and on its effects. Everywhere you go in the nation you are reminded of it. Either through museums or national parks dedicated to it. As if that is not enough every year, so called Civil War clubs commemorate certain key or bloody battles, like that of Gettysburg, by reenacting it. Full with authentic uniforms and arms down to the food they ate. But the effect of the Civil War cannot be only seen by such displays to its memory. The Civil War’s effect on the American consciousness and how the nation function as a nation is real. It is perhaps ironic that both sides of the conflict fought to attain the same goal, freedom. The north fought for freedom of the slaves, while the south fought for the freedom of maintaining its way of life. More then that the south fought to keep itself free from, what it perceived, as an interfering federal government. But what lessons did the united state derive from its deadliest of all wars; and above all how did it look back at the Civil War and even more importantly the prewar period. Did things truly change that much for the African now freed slaves in the reconstruction period or did things remain the same. Did they remain in poverty and harassed in their efforts for self-determination. Or did their northerner white liberators tried to carry them along to the their own status of life and living.
Gone With the Wind is perhaps the most famous movie about the civil war period other then perhaps the silent Birth of a Nation. Produced in 1939, it starred Clark Gable as Rhett Butler and Vivien Leigh as Scarlet O'Hara. The movie follows the lives of its two heroes against the backdrop of the Civil War era, including what life was like before and during the reconstruction period. In it’s beginning the movie shows southerners in fine clothing and acting in genteel manners. That is how most American even now remembers the pre Civil War south. In fact the following words introduced the movie “ There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind…” But of course the truth was far from the prettily painted picture. The old south was filled with suffocating cotton plantations. With slaves, who were sold, bought, punished, rewarded, clothed, fed, married, divorced and finally allowed to live, all according to their masters whim and wish.
So did the American view of the south change after the civil war. Now days the south is viewed as backwards full of citizen who are in the majority uneducated and ardently racist. Who even after they had gone to war and their defeat still oppressed the black population. But was the south alone in their attitude. Northerners may claim equal rights and freedom but when it came to putting it to practice were they agreeable and eager? The answer was unfortunately was no. Though there were no organized lynching mobs as it was in the south and complete disregard to the human life of blacks. There was in the north an indifferent that is in many ways worse then what was happening to the blacks in the south. Worst of all was the unfulfilled promise of Forty acres and a mule promised to every freed slave. An economic force that would have lifted the blacks from their abject poverty, which continues to this day as was shamefully revealed after the hurricane Katrina crisis.
It is true that the united state was slow in learning the lessons of the civil war. That oppressed people will one day stand up and fight for their rights and what is due to them. No more can this be seen then in the events of 1863 depicted in the movie Gangs of New York. When finally low wages and slave-like work places driven the angry and hate filled workers to a deadly riot. When exploited immigrants turned to what they saw as the reason for their low wages and miserable life, not the owners and factories but their minority black coworkers. But were they to blame for their hatred. During the reconstruction period the north saw an influx of African American escaping the continued bigotry of the south seeking their fortune in industry of the north, an industry that had for long been dominated by European immigrants.
The victorious north had failed miserably to assimilate the south and usher it into the industrial age. Worse it failed to protect the freed slaves who now looked forward to make their living as free human beings with all due dignity. At first the north seemed genuine in its fight for freedom. In fact General Sherman, with the approval of the War Department, issued a Special Field Order No. 15 on January 16, 1865. The order stated that "the islands of Charleston south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering St. Johns River, Florida are reserved and set apart for the settlement of Negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States." Furthermore, Sherman's order specified freedmen would be offered assistance "to enable them to establish a peaceable agricultural settlement." Then president Andrew Johnson in an act of what he hoped reconciliatory pardoned many of the landowners, who of course later pressured him to rescinded all land titles and return the lands to their previous owners. It was also president Johnson who vetoed the Homestead Act of 1862 and every other plan that would help the free slaves raise from their dismal economic status. Even efforts to have congress act failed. So in desperation the free slaves went back to work the fields from which they were liberated from few years back and it was as if the civil war had not been fought at all and half a million men did not give their lives to it.
So what is the conclusion of the civil war? What has the united sate learned from it? the answer to both is nothing. The civil war had again to be fought in the fifties on till the seventies and arguably till today. African Americans are still among the poorest minorities in the country. Plagued by ignorance and every other calamity to befall the people a modern society. They suffer from high rates of alcoholism, drug abuse and HIV. In every city in the nation they live in the most poorly maintained neighborhoods. They are discriminated against on a daily bases and blamed for, freely in secret and deviously in public, the affliction of the country. Still African American of today are in a much better condition then their forefathers. But above all the African American of today realized that in order to lift themselves from their condition they have to fight for themselves and that is a cause for hope.
What make us what we are? What determines our fate, our fortunes in life? What factor or more elevate a Man to the echelon of society while many others have to grovel and suffer at the bottom? Philosophers have pondered the question of self, of what makes us, us, for centuries and the prevailing answer for as long was the divine.
They believed the gods provide humans with abilities and characteristics that set them apart and above other Men. Following that thought to its perhaps inevitable conclusion, some Men are directly descended from the gods. Alexander the great claimed such a relation to justify his sovereignty over his people. He was neither the first nor the last in making such a calim. Roman emperors have made such claims so did their inheritors the Roman Catholics popes who claimed to derive their authority directly from god. So here is one answer to what makes us, us, God. God is the provider of abilities and talents that distinguish one Man from another. That can make a king or queen of one and a beggar of another.
There are inherited fallacies with such a conclusion. History is full of kings and queens who have been cruel and sadistic by the admission of their own people and of others. So when they are at there worst what does that say about the nature of god to have chosen such a representative? Another problem of such a claim is, it eliminate free will. Free will is simply no longer an option, if what I am to become in life has already been predetermined. Another view of the same answer is that god only provides us with the opportunity to become and it is up to the individual to exert the effort to advance in their position. This answer is of course a compromise between free will and fate though it relay heavily on fate. Meaning that there are people who through god, are better equipped to succeed in life then others. By being born to a rich family that can provide an education; or with an above-then-average intelligence; or with physical attributes that are superiors to others.
Then came Darwin and replaced god with nature. Dispelling the notion of divine choice. Man was no longer ‘ a flock of sheep,’ in need of a shepherd telling him what to do. Man is now in possession of free will. He is the maker of his own destiny. Determinism is no longer the explanation of who we are.
Then came along advances in mathematics, chemistry and physics, which led to breakthrough in biology and anthropology, by providing practitioners with the tools to investigate. Slowly the brain is giving up its secrets and so is gene the building block of humans. Not a day goes by when we hear of a new discovered gene that control some aspect of our behavior or strongly influences it. So once again Man is no longer the master of his own destiny and is slowly, once again, approaching the conclusion of determinism.
Before when god was the deciding factor prayer was a way for a favorable attributes in the off spring. Although we are not there yet, soon skill and money would be the guarantee of favorable outcome.
Art has always been under the influence of philosophy following its trends for how long those trends prevail. The Greek thought Man as the ideal creation. So Greek artists for centuries celebrated the idea by carving the most exquisite statues to show off the human form. What the Greek artist did in their time modern artist still do today with more choices of a medium.
Movies can be seen as the culminations of all the arts into one. Providing us with visual presentation as well as a written one. So it comes to no surprise that since its foundation the cinema had been used to discuss philosophical issues, however, often doing so covertly, so as not to offend contemporary laws or tastes. Metropolis and Charlie Chaplin’s movies to name a few are clear examples of movies reflecting the fears and philosophy of their time.
Gattaca is such a movie. Under the guise of science fiction the movie tries to discuss the possibilities of once we arrive at a point when humans are engineered and programmed to what they may become in life. It tries to answer the question of which is stronger Nature or Nurture. Do we choose what to become or are we born with attributes the forces us to what we become.
The movie centers on the life or a young man whose parents have chosen to conceive him naturally without the help of science. The result is a young man with the intellect and ambition unparalleled by his un-tampered with physical attributes. Refusing to let his spirit hampered by his fate the young man takes extreme measures to realize his dream of becoming an astronaut. Armed with his unbound ambition and assuming some one else’s life the young man finally realizes his dream.
The movie touches on a very fundamental question, fate or free will? What are the consequences of either on our morals? While the young man whom the hero of the movie assume his identity was born with all the chances science can provide for success he chooses not to. Choosing instead a life of pleasure, which leads him to an accident that renders him crippled for the rest of his life. Another character is the leader of the project who commits murder and lie when asked if he did it, citing in his defense that he does not have the gene to commit murder.
The movie doesn’t make an argument against determinism but it makes one for free will. Saying in essence that a good gene only provides us with the opportunity to become and it is up to the individual to exert the effort to advance in their position. This answer is again a compromise between free will and fate. Claiming, as with the influence of god, that there are people who through a good gene, are better equipped to succeed in life then others.
On the other hand the movie makes the strong argument that even with good genes behavior cannot be predicted and there is no account to how far humans would push themselves to succeed in life or in whatever enterprise they choose to peruse. Illustrating this final concept with another bout between the naturally born hero and his engineered brother. A rematch of when for the first time the less ordinary, our hero, realizes that with determination he can over comes the ordinary, his engineered brother. A rematch that makes the point of the movie, that without the will to match engineered attributes are not guarantee of success in life.
James Webb
Beginning with the first paragraph one can note the first fallacy the author has committed, that of his windy preamble, with his bit about Albert Einstein. Which can also be read, combined or viewed with the mention of the mayor of Nagasaki’s words, as a weaseler. Einstein’s words and the mayor’s serve no purpose and have no relevance to the argument the author is trying to make. Unless he was attempting by mentioning the mayor’s words, to sow indignation in the reader (assuming they are all Americans) by saying they have been compared to the Nazis.
Another weasler in my opinion is giving the number of casualties after both bombings. Again the numbers are useless facts because they are not even used in comparison to how many the Japanese have killed when they bombed Chinese cites.
The numbers are giving to us in the second paragraph where the author commits other fallacies. The first is “Two wrongs don’t make right.” By insinuating the high casualties from the droppings of the nuclear bombs evens the score since the Japanese have also killed many people with their bombs. The author’s other mistake is his voicing of a popular assumption, “…if Japan had had nuclear weapons, it would have used them.” Without giving facts or reasons of such an assumption.
In the third paragraph the most noticeable is the ‘Proof surrogate,’ fallacy. Giving us the opinions of experts without giving us the number of the experts or their credentials. Not even how they have arrived at their conclusion. More subtle fallacy is the use of words that has an emotive force behind them. “…U.S historians…” as compared to “…some historians…” without giving them a nationality. As if saying no U.S historian would hold to the same opinion. Also his appeal to popular belief by writing “,more U.S historians…” is another fallacy in the same paragraph.
In the fourth paragraph the author commits the fallacy of composition and division. Finding the larger population guilty of the crime committed by the less representative and much smaller Japanese army.
Along with the noted fallacies above the author has also committed perhaps his most noticeable fallacy, innuendo. The whole excerpts is full of it, with at least one in ever paragraph.
Trans-Siberian Railroad
However, though Russia had built the Trans-Siberian Railroad (1891-1904), it still lacked the transportation facilities necessary to reinforce its limited armed forces in Manchuria with sufficient men and supplies. Japan, by contrast, had steadily expanded its army since its war with China in 1894 and by 1904 had gained a marked superiority over Russia in the number of ground troops in the Far East. After Russia reneged in 1903 on an agreement to withdraw its troops from Manchuria, Japan decided it was time to attack.
The war began on Feb. 8, 1904, when the main Japanese fleet launched a surprise attack and siege on the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur. In March the Japanese landed an army in Korea that quickly overran that country. In May another Japanese army landed on the Liaotung Peninsula, and on May 26 it cut off the Port Arthur garrison from the main body of Russian forces in Manchuria. The Japanese then pushed northward, and the Russian army fell back to Mukden (now Shen-yang) after losing battles at Fu-hsien (June 14) and Liao-yang (August 25), south of Mukden. In October the Russians went back on the offensive with the help of reinforcements received via the Trans-Siberian Railroad, but their attacks proved indecisive owing to poor military leadership.
The Japanese had also settled down to a long siege of Port Arthur after several very costly general assaults on it had failed. The garrison's military leadership proved divided, however, and on Jan. 2, 1905, in a gross act of incompetence and corruption, Port Arthur's Russian commander surrendered the port to the Japanese without consulting his officers and with three months' provisions and adequate supplies of ammunition still in the fortress.
The final battle of the land war was fought at Mukden in late February and early March 1905, between Russian forces totaling 330,000 men and Japanese totaling 270,000. After long and stubborn fighting and heavy casualties on both sides, the Russian commander, General A.N. Kuropatkin, broke off the fighting and withdrew his forces northward from Mukden, which fell into the hands of the Japanese. Losses in this battle were exceptionally heavy, with approximately 89,000 Russian and 71,000 Japanese casualties.
The naval Battle of Tsushima finally gave the Japanese the upper hand in the conflict. The Japanese had been unable to secure the complete command of the sea on which their land campaign depended, and the Russian squadrons at Port Arthur and Vladivostok had remained moderately active. But on May 27-29, 1905, in a battle in the Tsushima Straits, Admiral Togo Heihachiro's main Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian Baltic Fleet, which, commanded by Admiral Z.P. Rozhestvensky, had sailed in October 1904 all the way from the Baltic port of Liepaja to relieve the forces at Port Arthur and at the time of the battle was trying to reach Vladivostok. (See Tsushima, Battle of.) Japan was by this time financially exhausted, but its decisive naval victory at Tsushima, together with increasing internal political unrest throughout Russia, where the war had never been popular, brought the Russian government to the peace table.
President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States served as mediator at the peace conference, which was held at Portsmouth, N.H., U.S. (Aug. 9-Sept. 5, 1905). In the resulting Treaty of Portsmouth, Japan gained control of the Liaotung Peninsula (and Port Arthur) and the South Manchurian railroad (which led to Port Arthur), as well as half of Sakhalin Island. Russia agreed to evacuate southern Manchuria, which was restored to China, and Japan's control of Korea was recognized. Within two months of the treaty's signing, a revolution compelled the Russian tsar Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto, which was the equivalent of a constitutional charter.
Battle of Tsushima (May 27-29, 1905), naval engagement of the Russo-Japanese War, the final, crushing defeat of the Russian navy in that conflict.
The Japanese had been unable to secure the complete command of the sea because the Russian naval squadrons at Port Arthur and Vladivostok made sorties and both sides suffered losses in the ensuing engagements. Meanwhile, the Russian government decided to send the Baltic Fleet all the way to the Far East under the command of Admiral Zinovy Petrovich Rozhestvensky to link up with the Pacific Squadron at Port Arthur, upon which the combined fleets would overwhelm the Japanese navy. The Russian Baltic Fleet, having spent the whole summer fitting out, sailed from Liepaja on Oct. 15, 1904. Off the Dogger Bank (in the North Sea) on October 21, several Russian ships opened fire on British trawlers in the mistaken belief that they were Japanese torpedo boats, and this incident aroused such anger in England that war was only avoided by the immediate apology and promise of full compensation made by the Russian government. At Nossi-Bé, near Madagascar, Rozhestvensky learned of the surrender of Port Arthur to Japanese forces and proposed returning to Russia; but, expecting naval reinforcements, which had been sent from the Baltic via Suez early in March 1905 and which later joined him at Camranh Bay (Vietnam), he decided to proceed. His full fleet amounted to a formidable armada, but many of the ships were old and unserviceable and their crews were poorly trained. Early in May the fleet reached the China Sea, and Rozhestvensky made for Vladivostok via the Tsushima Strait. Admiral Togo Heihachiro's fleet lay in wait for him on the south Korean coast near Pusan, and on May 27, as the Russian Fleet approached, he attacked. The Japanese ships were superior in speed and armament, and, in the course of the two-day battle, two-thirds of the Russian Fleet was sunk, six ships were captured, four reached Vladivostok, and six took refuge in neutral ports. It was a dramatic and decisive defeat; after a voyage lasting seven months and when within a few hundred miles of its destination, the Baltic Fleet was shattered, and, with it, Russia's hope of regaining mastery of the sea was crushed.
Treaty of Portsmouth, (Sept. 5 [Aug. 23, Old Style], 1905), peace settlement signed at Kittery, Maine, U.S., ending the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. According to the terms of the treaty, which was mediated by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, the defeated Russians recognized Japan as the dominant power in Korea and turned over their leases of Port Arthur and the Liaotung Peninsula, as well as the southern half of Sakhalin Island, to Japan. Both powers agreed to restore Manchuria to