
Sunday, March 26, 2006


I was chatting with a friend, earlier today, I always had the impression that things might had changed but is seems hope is nowhere near what realty is.
Family values did not necessarily plummet, cant remember when it was on healthy bases, it seems that fucking is becoming what more able people used to do, only more now its spread, where are you heading? And for how long? Who would want to take the lead of the direction of the intercourse, where is the desired destinations campus pointing to.
When religious phonies will be satisfied, people do seem to understand its just that they wont comply with more stricter rules, its always been the same problem, they cant seem to look like the people you would want to be around when they preach, with dangling bellies, and half trimmed beard black and shiny, their smile indicated good health and elusive punishment,
They both groups understand that both like the same thing, both know what the other likes and do, only difference is one is armed and one is not,
In here they choose to ignore, ignore that fact of their impotence, here the just bullshit, all the time, they know their weak they know they as human are gone far, here it is a big Inc
, and people meet fuck eat together on different lunch breaks , they claim freedom, but salves they are eversince that strayed foot landed, its caught just like those , on streets over nights and day. 3abeed not for many for one, one that has a belly, eats from mouth, and shits and they eat where he shits.

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