Monday, December 12, 2005
another they
Their so sweet and full of talking ideas, they always want to explore and try new stuff, their willing to change partners and go wild, they have issues and want someone to listen, they are sweet, come in all kinds, forms,and colors, they have feelings and emotions that need to be kept fresh and kept in a warm place.
commercialised,and their sweetness is been used in that order, to be with them is to buy something for them, to want them is to put your mind into what they say and tell, always want their company , we fight for them, hate to leave them , yet we seem we cant find the best among them.even then we want to leave them and be with another of their kind.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
how to know ?

I remember sitting out side the car, in Chicago I looked at the stars and then at the skyscrapers, it looked something like this, moments like that means nothing to no one , there is nothing wrong we observing its nothing to no one and something to someone , it least it could be kept from some I remebre sitting out side the car, in Chicago I looked at the satrs and then at the sky scoareors, it looked something like this , someitmes i do really wish it stoped right there. I remebre sitting out side the car, in Chicago I looked at the satrs and then at the sky scoareors, it looked something like this , someitmes i do really wish it stoped right there.
Monday, November 14, 2005
they sat alone afar from the rest
they sat silence with no clue,
if the and is moving or no,
I saw’em growing up drifting through time and space I
Saturday, November 12, 2005
comes in green and dark green I think it comes in all sort of colors,
could make you mean, or mellow, its nowhere around you so you have to find it,
girls like it ,and like to have it , guys fight and try to have all of it,
all people colors wonder and ponder about it,
is it slow and hopefully accessible,
are you happy are you sad, are you high?.
love you, hate you, sing about you, fell weak in front of you,
I hate the thought been associated with it, since ever I’ve been here,
I hate the way to roam invade my air in my room,
In their room in their air, I hate it and, he ate it
who planted it, who put it around, it makes them feel special, sacred, paranoid
it makes them think happy, it makes them think free, “free minded”
It makes slaves, if a bond exist, between plant and animal its always been for food, never for bullshit.
it is false happiness it is false vegetable ,hate it .
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Ramadan gone Eid is here
Monday, October 10, 2005
the bot on the second turn
Ramadan is was here , its amazing indeed how this nice month oasses by so fast ,
by this year alone it already my fifth Ramadan here , things did changes since the last time , for one major change is the presence of two important people , my mother and Yasuko , my mother was here and if I ever had to think about her spending time , time with us here I couldn’t believe it till I actualy get to see it happen , and it did happen , since her visit in the summer time she figured to keep here till Ramadan pass and even when x-mas land all the way till next year , this year .
I cant tell if he really liked here or not , especially when lots of times were spent fighting and arguing , these fights and arguments , seemed to me that they’ve saved for all this time, two years and some months , she felt that there was something wrong about us been here in a time like this , there is no point of money wasting when its gone in an education that wont do any good in a place with no direction or at least for now.
I cant see how, she could summon all these feelings and pass them into a Ramadan , it was a special Ramadan perhaps one of the best in this place , that never have seen lots of interesting things happing in it.He called on me , that night , it was a Friday I think or Thursday either seemed really asserted guy he talked as if he really knows the person talking to ,”natural” , in Arabic and what it seemed an attempt for a genuine Saudi accent those of rhiyda, replied back salam , who is this its haithm , hi haithm how can I help you sir , “nothing really…I think I know you” he said, “ really , do you mind reminding , of yourself please,“---
Now this is a situation Iv been away from some time, and for good reason too, this type of conversations, seems normal in bug cites , very common , and I think with cell phones every where now days you can call on anyone anytime you want , so this guy figured to give a friend he felt he knows , a call , I kept I the conversation short as possible , I was working , and I did feel like talking, having worked here for a year already I tend to understand them very well , hard minded lazy soft people , with good determination some times anyway. I told I’ll call you back please, he agreed at the moment , so there it was,
I called him on the phone , he turned it out in my place,he was convincedof meeting on two places ,with no luck to get me to remebre I kept squeezing no luck again, he felt that I was trying to make a situation into a case , and to tell the truth it was, but like many of our kind or our kid wan-to-be, he didn’t see it that way at all , ok so what ,
"I asked about a kid from saudi, and some Omani kids give your number, it is not big deal right?" , look man as much as much as I see this as a mistake of identity, I dont like your accesnt of fakeing who you really are.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
normal subway bullshit
I was riding the subway on the second stop, two chubby girls , entered the sub one preferred to stay near the door with gazing eyes toward me ,and one had a seat on the opposite side of my seat, they started chatting,babbling about all kind of bullshit, and then they started to make fun of the idea, that if I maybe decided to do something wired, or maybe"suspicious", I knew it was me they might be talking about , for the fact they really dont care , girls from this side of twon really dont care if you knew or not,"we were here first, on a ship or not" I had to listen to their bullshit for the whole long minutes, one of them started to putting cross signs on her body , and soon pointing to her girl friend at me.
I thought to my self how ironic this situation must be, I work in a gas station, in the poor side of the city, last night a gentleman took another gentleman’s wallet and ran off with it, this type of thing happens down here many times, to the point that when a white customer enters the door always have to have the robber-customer on apoint to where he basically can see him or something,
It strike as interesting that no long ago people in here , were and still are treated with some fear from the general white people , and yet they feel that a non looking whites , or non looking black will be a harm to them , if a beard on someone looks like me is scary , what about a beard growing competition men or women? , how about people with gun, crack heads so on, I thinkI forgot they don’t look like me, and beside there is no robbing or shooting competition goes in the down town.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Greek constrictor worker food curse
I felt pain the next day, as its called upper abdominal pain, one guy already went to the hospital one old man is still in ICU unit, I in the other hand did not go anywhere for the simple reason of health insurance.
The food was good , they kept encouraging me to eat more, I always like food when everyone else was eating, and avoid eating alone only if necessary,
the meat which I learned later on was beef stew uncooked well, and I figured that must’ve been the reason for those two men’s internal bleeding
The Greek constrictor worker food curse
in the company of the rabbit
Today was one of those funny days, I had to go with the constriction guy, to buy some supplies to fix the ceiling.
From what I understood I had to go with him and buy and get out, only thing I had to make sure he wont trick me for buying some thing they wont like.
I never been with someone who is former addict , through the looks of his eyes I can see lost lost person , the wife the kid look tired, I met them on my way to the supplies store, which he forgot the name for in a second, its amazing what we as humans do in the name of getting somewhere else, we ruin it all just to make a piece of our mind happy.
I am not sure if I have to go with him again.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Japan is for the Japanese
Debito argues allot of good things and I think he reached the same conclusion at the end that they seem to want to even hear it,
he might not be able to solve their differences and show them how the real 'developed world' functions or about how they would want to look at the world at the end.
She mentioned on many occasion how ugly she looked and I kept insisting she was not perhaps that is where the difference lays, they cant seem to see themselves out of their self nor what Japan is or what is Japanese.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
When I got used to it , I was tough, hard minded, never thought for once that anything could change my mind about anything , I and only I always right, anything else is just BS,
Then we met , she strikes me as simple very hard to understand , although I would say I have a faire knowledge of her background,
The way they get along in the world indeed different from the way I had knew, organized, practical, on time ,
We come from a culture who want everything we can not be part of . we never on time that’s true .
Cheers and slapping, with heavy smell of sweat and alcohol, I wondered if this truly what we crave as humans from our fellow humans in the form of pleasure
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Somewhere at the beginning
It was sometimes in 1998 or late 97 either year it was the same hot crowded streets someone getting married someone getting divorced or both, I was driving as usually picking dinner for my father, Tamis and fuul pronicet (foo) basically vava beans mashed in way just like mashed potatoes here, and tamis is our version of the afganihi bread made form wheat and ghee, I was listing to his kothba , it was at the begging of summer break he was shouting as usual about why familes should stay in theirs country and visit mashed and so on instead of going to the west for vacationing, I did not like it I was reading the news paper and I was reading something about kids who graduate from high school and try to find jobs which did not exist and marring which will never happen
And this guy shouting on the Minbar (mimbr) about something that only him get to day or someone from higher stats would think of doing.
That’s it I thought , in Arabic of course this is it people like shouldn’t be looked at as inspiration on how the deen should be looked at
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Shitty May
Dramatic, Love is, and is overstated,
Who dose it feel? in the civil world to fall in love ?
What does it mean?
I don’t think she do understand,
Can 2 fall in love, when 2 are not from the same place?
Can we really cross oceans; can we reach to each others?
Really possible.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In 1861 the country went into a civil war that propagated effect well into the years after the armed conflict. A consequence of the civil war was the 1868's, 14th amendment to the constitution. Which was worded to protect the newly freed slaves from vengeful southerners. Despite its noble intention, the amendment was largely used to counter any proposed reform to the workforce. Antagonists of reform held to the view that
labor is a form of property held by the person who is going to perform it. And since "…any state [can not] deprive any person of… property without due process of law…" Meaning that any state whishing to enforce the maximum hours laws on behalf of the workers cannot do so unless it can provide reasonable reasons that by interfering it is acting for the benefit of the commonwealth.
"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united sates nor shall any state deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
However such a law established a somewhat troubling precedent. For in effect it said there was a difference in the level of productivity between men and women. That is, saying that women were less productive then men for the sole reason of their sex. Such laws however were not based on the wording of the articles of the constitution from where they were deduced from, but largely from the personal opinions of judges presiding, although men and women did virtually the same job in the less rigorous industries. The reformers pushing for protective laws were not, at least at first, troubled by the precedent they were establishing. Citing the gender difference in case after case to obtain the protective measures they were after. Maybe they were not aware of what future consequences their action may bring. Or maybe they themselves, like the judges and legislators they were trying to influence, believed in the differences of the two sexes. Whatever their reason at first was that laws they were able to pass for women eventually extended to men who worked in the same industry.