
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

who controls the poor here ?

2020 I will be 42 years old and that’s if I am still alive!
however that is the year I suspect this place would look something little bit different, needless to say it is different from what it was in the past 20 years.
I am reading about this house clearing that took place in Jizan last day, the article was talking about people protesting to the removal of their homes, and houses some is even were reported to passed out when the saw the house go.
So here is the thing. Jizan is a place in the south of here, it’s a place with a moderate weather and cool with humidity sometime, in short food is plenty, especially that there are new technologies that are implanted in here to help foster better vegetables crops.
I looked at the pictures of theses people over there, the photos showed people not really old mostly young adults, they seemed more to resemble southern than the average looking Saudi whatever that means, but they looked young and Yemenis.

Monday, November 10, 2008

woman rights

there was this number on my dialing list on the cell phone, I was trying to call a Dr for an article that I was working on.

I had called multiple numbers in the phone before some as old as one day some are older, i figured the most recent one dialed had to be this doctor, so I dialed the number thinking as it may it must have been the doctor's number.

well it was not the doctor who answered it was a female voice instead, she answered in English instead of the common "Allo" which i think we got from the french. though hers was in Arabic so I figured this must be the doctor's cell and this was his secretary answering the phone.

I asked for the doctor right away and she said this not the number.
so I said " this is not the Dr. Hamdan's number ?"
"No" and hang up.

now these is something that needs to be clearfied so i included this note along this entry. about answering cell phone culture in the country.

- some if not all that I call in Saudi my friends mainly and their friends normally keep other cell together or uses some others phones to call, I am not sure when this started but its common plus it been going on for a while now.

- Also in Falastien road there are spisipifc unique numbers that are sold on the streets by saudi people. so in this case I could sell my number to someone my unique number that is and so if my number was sold to someone else that person would answer the phone and would expect me to answer so thats a common and something that again is being going on.

so putting theses points fact in mind while i was talking with this girl, her attitude might be simple answering a wonrf number prosures. it is simple in fact called a wrong number for the least the person could say who they are!, I do

this incident might seem simple but it speaks volume about the socity here especially woman.

that lady if she had any kind of respect for herself she would hav told who is this

there got be a universal phone call answering protocol i agree

but back to the phone answering,
i think woman in saudi that is woman who are asking the Public which i am guessing those they are asking for recognition, either dont know what to tell about themselves plus in this culture they dont know how to protect themselves as an individual since in the past there was no chance for such a thing as to woman voicing anything.

so where is the point here?
the point is while most in the west are trying to get woman to do stuff here as in have role in society, woman themselves as it seems to me really are conduced as to their position here.
this not to add blames to woman as its the norm here , like they have been blamed for much of the societies ill in many years not just here in most Arab countries. woman have to come up with an agenda that is clear, as in work something within themselves dictate their own right argue and reach things within themselves clear their positions in the society, then figure their rights especially here.
i was at PR event one day, there were couple of females in Jeddah its normal to see to woman head covered of course among a men crowd, and their presence was just there were woman there and that's it, like there was no role to their pressed to all honestly there was one who got one prize for what it unknown she did not talk she did not do anything she just walked and took the thing and disappeared in the dark room corner.

i think when Saudi woman voicing for rights figure out what exactly their voicing their voice for their rights will be recognized, it happen in the west and before that in the ancient Arab times, then they had a role they were doing almost everything in the Arab ancient times and people were talking with them.
now she can't even tell you who is she when she woman are saying they are an object in here not the mentality

"The society force it. And if you do something against the society, you will feel, you will have a problem," she says. "So it’s better to go within the mainstream of the society, fit in, be conformist in a way, and be innovative in another way."

this from Ed Bradley interview, this woman was in a way taking the burden to obid notice this by what the society dictated to her and giver her and treat her, so in way the law told but the society dictated what she do or don't where is Her thing in this case

there is this line in Professor Eugene Webbers lectures, he said something i really relate to here and it can be easily observed in here, he said as bigger the Romans got as in their society and their wealth some people even from those who aren't from the privileged were trying to be in it, but as their life
a situation works like such,
a person comes in the room, and would be talking about any topic, say stocks or something of that nature,
the person normally raised their voice, he/she normally he, would say something about someone who is in some high rank such as a shady prince or something,
the purpose is to get as much people to talk as possible, the thing than becomes that is to report that person to whomever is handling these cases and the case in this case becomes to get that person man handled.

it is common here that is why people don't tend to speak against these people.
i experienced this feeling in the states, even though its no the same but it was obvious that now citxen in St.louis were in some way were doing their nations a gift of handing and suspect.

how i look at it:

i really did not care about these things prior to coming here.
i felt that it is hard as is in here, well not really hard in the sense of the word, it is easy as well, the more you show that u don't know u get in here, it is like that, the more you show u know in here the more u will get some attention to your self
it is like that, freedom of speech is a myth, its for those who can say what's on their minds but they also have a back to say.

in Jeddah there is a great feeling of dipsing people and hate full feelings, and by the way it's the same reason I think most of people here aren't from "genuine' Arabic blood, why because supposedly Arabs aren't snitches but apparently they are.

i am brain washed ? i

what is failure what is success ?
i think i asked my father is this question some time ago in the states,
i think as population grew and "peer pressure" became

i think of my future in a place like this, and here is why.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

what Dave Chapple can teach us about Islam

i was reading an article in times magazine,its an old article written in 2005 when the whole Chapplle shbang was in motion, people were asking about him and where he had gone after the show was interrupted.

there was a this part in the article about him being a Muslim, and Dave mentioned something like he did not talk about his religion because he did not want people to associated this "beautiful religion" with this situation. [cut]

i was talking with a friend of mine here at the paper, last night in fact news are slow so i figured to talk to him.
i received an e-mail from my boss, it was about Islam and in America, it had Colin powell talk in the news about it