Two animals decided to go on a journey in midst of the sea and then to the open ocean.
they decided to ride a bit long boat. One person was to sit on the front tip of the boat. The other was to sit all the way in the back.
Both started stroking the gentle water, their direction, their goal seemed to be set. And they both agreed that if something comes along the way, it was for that person to who-ever needs to say something have to say it. Both agreed so they sailed through the waters.
The trip had both its enjoyable and miserable times, when the waves were high and the wind blew strong, they struggled together to keep the boat safe and the trip on time.
When the wind and the water current were calm, so was the mood of the two. They fished, swam together in the warm waters, chatted and enjoyed the trip.
On one particular night darkness fell surprisingly quick. the sky seemed to predict some action through the clouds. The sky went from murky grey to great to absolute dark, the clouds look as if it was a pieces of cotton soaked in ink.
the monkey looked at the sky and sensed another rough night on the sea. Though it was like almost every rough night on the sea, he predicted this one to be rougher. So the monkey shouted to the Cat who seemed silent for some time. “hello… I think it will be rough time tonight…”
the cat had no response, she seemed gloomy and quite,
“Cat can you hear me?....ohh this distance between us the cat always make big deal of it”
“Hello…can you hear me?”
“I said it might be rough time tonight”
again no answer from the cat.
The monkey and the Cat had not talked for a while, and for some odd reason the monkey cant rembre why. Monkey started speculating thinking to itself,
”even though the time is not right to think about these type things, but I think we got carried out with our tasks, as the trip went on we forgot our promises to each others”
“I think we enjoyed our times, we thought we bonded through this trip”
the monkey thought about this for some time, as the storm seemed to be brewing in the distance.
the monkey continued.
”…well I could leave my post and head over there and meet the Cat and talk to her, but looking at the sky I don’t think its feasible,”
I will try to call her again..
“Hey Cat can you hear me or not?? Why your not answering me ?” the monkey shouted and tired again and again but no avail.
finally the Monkey told the Cat ” okay Cat I am on my way to you, can you meet in the middiel of the boat at least ?” , the cat did not even turn around which made the monkey worry, “okay I am coming over.”
The vessel started rocking left and right as the monkey was trying to reach to the cat he had to remove the covers they had there to protect therie food and belongings, the narrowness of the boat made it almost impossible to seemed that this boat was meant to be constructed this very awkward desing.
it had two bowls shaped places with a norrow path in-between, the tube if you like was used to to keep both passengers belongings which was utilized for just that.
Also as the way it was designed these to halves if you well, couble easily separated, all was needed is for each passenger is to unplug their bowl and used as a normal water carrying boat type, problem is then that person would have to fill in the hole where the tube used to be, plus he/she would have to deal with the sea alone, since unplugging would seemingly make the vessel lose more balance.
On “The Open Great Land” on its sea shore, on one of many Great Seas stood a cat and a Macaque, both looking at the blue ocean. The two were looking at animals whom took the ocean together on what is called on that Land a “journey”. Next to the two animals were the vessels of which these animals of the Land used so they can take up a Journey. These vessels are not in effect actual vessel, it
way it was designed these to halves if you well, couble easily separated, all was needed is for each it was a very simply designed,to make one an animal would have to find a bowl that fits its passenger, though these bowls can ride the sea but it would be risky to do so.
so to make a vessel two bowl shapes would have to attached through a pole or tube if done correctly these two bowls with that pices betweeb them suprisgly balances it self on the sea!.
however the length of the tube or a pole depndes on the travelers cognition. Meaning there are many poles around the land,one were long one were short, and each comes with its own property and reponcibilty on the sea.
and so if the pole would be long it would means the though the vessel is balanced for the journey, the distance between the two anilams might be long,which naturally means less and depends on the needs of the travlers, so if if the journey would need more pepratoin that is many stuff to carry animals would look for a tube and if less peprations are needed a pole might do!.together for two animals, person would have to fill in the hole where the tube used to be, plus he/she would have to deal with the sea alone, since unplugging would seemingly make the vessel lose more balance.
was made of for some time they both had lived a life on land and both had seen many animals leave the shores. The Cat wondered one time if she can ask the Macaque if it would like to on the ocean for a journey together,
the Cat said “Hi Macaque, I want to ask you if you would like to go with me along a journey you and me through the ocean, see other lands and enjoy each other’s company I think it will be nice what do you say?”the Macaque was quite on the top of one tree chewing on some fruit, the Cat continued again, “well I’ve been looking at you for sometime and wondered about you and about your Macaque life, I’ve seen many other different Macaques before but I never seen one like you before”
the Macaque was grinned for little bit, the Cat realized the grin, and asked so what do you say ?
Listen I know that you and I are different animals, we eat differently we speak differently we look differently! but I think we should give it a chance, we should take a chance and take a trip. At the moment the Macaque slowly descended down and tired to
it was as if its been a while since the time they talked, so the one in the back asked “do you remebre our promise?”
no replay…, the one in the back asked “hello…I am talking to you”
but no replay again, the person in the back felt like coming in the fornt as waves were at its higher again one night the wind seemed to blow littitle bit harder, and
when that land lingered close in the distance, the cat swiftly jumped off the boat very gracefully, and landed on it paws like she was walking on air it self.
The monkey was suspired and mouth wide open, he thought the cat might get hurt …”ca cat CAT”
She landed fine, looked to the monkey, and said very calmly we are but different animals, you and I.
I enjoyed the ride with you don’t get wrong, but I was thinking about all these, and I couldn’t see it anyway else, I took it on my behalf to think for you without telling you, I just think you should carry on my friend, and forget about the cat that you once knew and maybe…loved.
I made this so I don’t hurt you, in a way I think I should hurt my self but not you…
maybe I love you maybe I am not, but after all I think this the best for all of us.
maybe when time is right monkeys and cats can be together, but as I see the world this the land I think I belong to, and you should stay on land and forget boats even if riding them is fun…”
Bye monkey…